
Monday, August 31, 2015

Welcome Students

Foxborough High School Vocal Music Students and Parents:

Welcome to the new website of the FHS Vocal Music Program!  This website will serve to keep you updated and informed on all matters related to the vocal music ensembles, festivals, auditions, etc.  Please subscribe to this website by entering in your email address to the left.  By subscribing you will receive an email whenever a new post goes up.  Your email address will never be shared or published online at any time.  If you ever have any questions related to a post, feel free to ask your question below or see me in school.

For your social media purposes:

New FHS Vocal Department Twitter:  @foxborochoir
FHS Vocal Dept. Email Address:

Dropbox: Please make sure I have your email address so I can share the Dropbox with you


All concert choir and vocal jazz students are required to be subscribed to this website and connected to the Dropbox account.  Following the FHS Vocal twitter account is optional/encouraged


Over the next few days stayed tuned for updates.  All vocal jazz students will be auditioning and placed in either the Mixed Vocal Jazz Ensemble or Treble Jazz Choir.  This may require some schedule changing potentially.  I will work directly with any student who's schedule is impacted.  This audition ensures the correct placement of singers in the appropriate ensemble.

Please clear out dates of performances/auditions/festivals.  The calendar is posted on this website.

Keep an eye out on the dropbox account as I will be posting mp3 files and part tracks soon.


Looking forward to a fantastic school year!  More updates to come...

--Mr. Raymond