
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday's Rehearsal Notes

The 3 recorded pieces from Tuesday's Rehearsal are now on dropbox.  Please listen through each and think about the scored categories from the MICCA Rubric.

I've discussed and shared recordings from today and Friday with Mr. Massey and he had some great insight.  He had three key comments in particular that I completely agree with:

1) Men on "Just as the Tide": should have a "sweeter" texture.  The whole song in generally should have more of a's a little too aggressive and harsh

2) Women on Nuit D'Etoiles...need to do a better job of emphasizing the French text.  Think as if you were a French speaker and know what you are singing about at all times.  Room for more dynamic range and attention to text.  Lower voice parts could be a bit stronger.

3)  Ubi Caritas needs more stretch and pull in terms of dynamics and tempo.  It sounds like basically one dynamic and tempo throughout.  We will need to work on stretching the time and dynamics more.  MEN--be careful, there are some notes out of tune in the middle of some phrases, keep working on developing a higher quality blend through good tone.

There was a lot more energy and life in the rehearsal this morning!!
Don't forget about your student-led sectionals.  Section leaders, feel free to share any additional comments you have with your section.

Keep working hard!  It's getting better and better, let's continue to work for more dynamic shapes in the phrases, clean onsets and phrase endings, text pronunciation, and expression.

See you in Sectionals and Rehearsals!
-Mr. Raymond

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